We’re back in person this for November 2025! Stay tuned and check our calendar for dates of events.
As always you can participate online if you’d like through their website, http://www.nanowrimo.org.
NaNoWriMo is an all ages program that stands for National Novel Writing Month. The event itself is hosted online by a non-profit organization of the same name https://nanowrimo.org/. The goal is to write 50,000 words in the month of November, traditionally those 50,000 words would make one complete novel, however NaNoWriMo welcomes “rebels” who use the month to complete existing novels, or write non-fiction. There is also the option of a modified word goal in the Young Writer’s Program, so the program is open and accessible to all ages. Our library welcomes those who are interested in attempting this writing challenge. Each year we host a kick-off where writers can come to meet one another and get their creative juices flowing, followed by write-ins throughout the month where we put out coffee and offer plug ins and a quiet space to write. We wrap it up with our Thank the Writing Gods It’s Over Party in early December.