Borrow from other Libraries
Requesting Books to be Delivered to Your Home Library
If you aren’t able to find an item you want in our Jake Epp Library catalogue, you may be able to borrow it from elsewhere in Manitoba (or beyond) through our Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service. Complete information about this service is found in our ILL Brochure here. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with this information before placing your first ILL request.
Library members can personally search for a desired item by using fILL, an online catalogue for all Manitoba public libraries. If you do find your item listed at another library, the fILL system will inform our Inter-Library Loan staff that you wish to borrow that item. For help with using the fILL site, check out the Patron ILL Self-Search Guide.
If you prefer not to go the online route or did not find your desired item in your fILL search, you can fill out a paper Inter-Library Loan Request form. That form is available at our library or printable as part of our ILL Brochure. Our staff will attempt to locate your item through a broader search and will send a request for it on your behalf.
ILL requests may also be phoned in to us. This process can take up to 10 minutes and does carry some risk, as information submitted over a phone can be misheard, potentially resulting in an erroneously unsuccessful search or an inability to contact you when your item arrives.