Permanent residents may join the library free of charge with proof of Steinbach residency, as they are already paying for use of the library through their taxes. Outside the city of Steinbach there is a non-resident fee of $110, with certain R.M.’s offering a rebate. Check with your R.M office about what they may offer.
The non-resident fee is paid on an annual basis and includes all members living at that address.
Acceptable Forms of ID to Sign Up/Renew/Change Address
To sign you up for a card please bring a piece of government issued ID (preferably Driver’s License or Manitoba Identification Card) and current proof of your street address. If your ID does not show your current address please additionally bring one of the following with a current date attached:
- Official rental/lease agreement
- Hydro bill (with a street address, not just a mailing address)
- Property tax bill from the most current year
- If you own a business in Steinbach but do not live in Steinbach please bring a voided cheque of your business. One card will be issued per business.
If you are new to the area or cannot currently provide any documentation, but you do reside inside Steinbach city limits, we can arrange for a Limited Access card to get you started. You will be allowed to check out two items at a time on this type of account, but at any point can bring in official I.D. to upgrade to a full account.
*Summer Membership Special*
For those who do not have a membership and do not live within Steinbach city limits, we are offering a special summer membership.
Valid from June 15 through August 31, the cost of a summer library membership is only $25.00. The entire household may use the library during this time.
At the end of summer, the household may choose to continue using the library by paying the remaining balance of the year’s membership.
Library card holders’ rights and responsibilities
You are responsible for all the materials borrowed on your card and for any charges on items that are overdue, lost or damaged. (See Loan Periods and Fines for details). Your library card provides access to licensed databases from outside the library. You may also look at our catalogue from home over the Internet, and access your account to place holds, keep lists and renew items.
Lost or stolen cards
If you lose your library card, you are responsible for any items checked out on your card. You must report it as lost immediately and we will block the card so that no one can use it. There may be a small charge to replace a lost card.
Change of address or password
It is important for us to have your current information. If you change your address or other personal information, contact the library and we’ll update your record. An address change will require proof of address to be shown in person. You may change your password to any combination of letters and numbers as long as the password is between 3-12 characters long. Log in to your account, click on the My Account tab, then select My Bio, at the bottom of the page select Change Password.