Public Access Computers and Wifi
- The use of a public access computer and wifi is a privilege, not a right. Any use that is: inappropriate for Jake Epp Library standards, that may cause physical damage to equipment or software, or that is unethical or illegal will automatically result in the user being denied any further access to our public access stations. The library reserves the right to report to authorities any illegal use of Internet access. The user will be held responsible for any damage.
- Transmission of any material in violation of any Canadian or Manitoba regulation is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to copyright material, threatening or obscene material or material protected by trade secret and transmission. The Jake Epp Library board and staff will decide what is appropriate and their decision will be final and they will deny access to any user as required at any time.
- We book public computers for an hour at a time but they may be renewed if there is no one waiting.
- Jake Epp Library is not responsible for any damages suffered by users, including loss of data caused by user negligence or error. Use of any information received via the Internet at the library site is at the user’s risk. Jake Epp Library denies any responsibility for accuracy or quality of information found on the Internet.
- Security is an important consideration. Any misuse of the equipment must be reported to the staff as soon as possible. Any user identified as a security risk will be denied access to our public computers. Any vandalism will result in immediate loss of all privileges. This includes any uploading of computer viruses.
- Any printing is at the discretion of Jake Epp Library staff or supervisor. Cost per sheet will be determined annually.
- User must fill out and sign an internet agreement before each use.
- Jake Epp Library is not responsible for any damage to a user’s computer due to information received on our site.
- Policy changes will be made as necessary. Users are responsible for informing themselves of new policy changes.
- Children under the age of twelve must be accompanied and supervised by an adult to be allowed to use our public computers.
- Jake Epp Library provides free wifi. Any person who is found to be using our wifi to access inappropriate information, as per our Public Access policies, will not be allowed access to Jake Epp Library for the purpose of using our wifi.