Log Into Your Account
Click on the My Account link.
If you’ve not logged into your account before, see Check Your Account for instructions.
Items Checked Out
Select the My Account tab, go to My Borrowing and click the Loan option to display all of the items you currently have checked out, their due dates, and the number of times you have renewed them. Click the checkbox(es) next to the item(s) you wish to renew. Click Renew next to the “Preview” button above the list of titles.
Notes: If you click the big blue Renew button next to a title, it will only renew that one title, regardless of what you have checked off. To renew multiple ones at once, check off the ones you wish to renew (or click the Select All checkbox above the titles to select everything on the current page) and click the Renew option above the titles on the right hand side to renew everything you have currently selected. This will still only renew the current page you are on, if you have multiple pages of books please do this for each page.
An item cannot be renewed if it is on hold for someone else, if you’ve already renewed it the maximum amount of times allowed for that material, or if you’ve exceeded your maximum fines. If you try to renew a book, a pop up will appear briefly to let you know if your renewal has been successful or not. Please double check the new due date to ensure your books have been renewed.
For more information, contact us.